Beavers: For boys and girls aged 6 – 8 years old. Motto: “Fun and Friends”.  The annual programme includes games, some badge work, learning through fun activities, outings and sleepovers.  Beavers meet in the Scout HQ at the back of the church on Tuesdays (5.30 pm – 6.45 pm) in term-time.
Contact email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Cubs: For boys and girls aged 8 – 10.  The programme includes camping, sleepovers, badge work, games, challenge awards and outings.  Cubs meet in the Scout HQ at the back of the church on Wednesdays (6.30 pm – 8.00 pm) in term-time.
Contact email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Scouts: For boys and girls aged 10 – 14.  Includes camping, hiking, badge work, cooking initiative tests, sleepovers and outings.  Scouts meet in the Scout HQ behind the church on Fridays (7.30 pm – 9 pm) in term–time.          Contact phone: 07753 236115

Membership fees for 2024:

£59.00 Joining Fee
£47.00 per term including section subs (if helping with fundrasing.)
£67.00 per term (if unable to assist with 2.5 hours fundraising per year)

Parade Services: Interactive, all-age services for all ages but aimed especially at children and young people. Parade services usually take place in January, February, March, June, and September,  on the last Sunday of the month.

7th Banstead Scout Group Reports 2022

BEAVERS:   The Beaver section has 27 Beavers with a strong leadership team of four adult leaders plus 2 young leaders. They are 3 over the maximum capacity, but several children have sporadic attendance, and it has been done to reduce the waiting list.

This year activities have included a virtual sleepover with the County, making Mother’s Day gifts and a Torch Walk, plus a County Activity Day (Bazzaz), and a visit to Sutton fire station.

Badges completed: Bookreader, Photographer, Cyclist and Gardener Badges, (though Liz slightly regretted planting the boat garden during the driest, hottest summer for years!)

Nights Away:  There have been 2 nights away including one where they made giant “vehicles” from cardboard boxes and miles and miles of sticky tape and then the Beavers sat in them to watch the “drive in movie”.


5 Bronze Chief Scout Awards have been awarded.

CUBS   There are currently 30 Cubs which is 6 above ideal numbers, however the Leaders are just about coping!  On the plus side leadership is still strong, with 5 adult leaders.

This year the main activities have been based round assorted badge work. The cubs have been

skate-boarding and scootering up the park, paddleboarding on the River Wandle and held a Pet Show. They also held a belated birthday party for Akela (previously cancelled due to Covid). 

Badges completed:  Skater, Paddleboarding, Animal Carer, Emergency Aid and Our World Challenge Badges. 

Nights Away:  The cubs have had 2 sleepovers plus a 4 night Cub Camp held at Angmering in May which was attended by 29 Cubs.  Activities included pioneering, fire lighting and cooking, lido swimming, shooting, archery, clip and climb, craft, the scientist badge and a treasure hunt around Littlehampton ending up on the beach.


5 Silver Chief Scout Awards have been awarded.

SCOUTS   The Scout Section now has 25 scouts. Leadership remains the same with 3 adult leaders and 1 Sectional Assistant. 

Activities this year have included scuba diving, pancake making, a Blindfold Drop hike, an indoor fire drill assault course, swimming, and adventure golf.

Badges completed:  Fire Safety, Hobbies and Community and Creative Challenges.

Nights Away:   The scouts have had enjoyed 11 nights away. This included 2 sleepovers, their Expedition Challenge hike over 2 days, the ScoutAbout County Activity weekend in Sussex, and a 6 night Scout Camp at Herne Bay, Kent. Activities included cooking meals on open fires, a BBQ, shooting, axe throwing, archery and swimming; visits to the RAF Manston museums and Wildwood wildlife park, and a half day hike back from the beach.  


1 Gold Chief Scout Award has been completed

Group Matters:  The Sponsored Walk in Owen Barber’s memory that took place in May raised £2201 through the Rotary Club of which £1875 has been sent to the Group. A decision has yet to be made as to its use, in consultation with the Church. This is in addition to the £4332 that was donated to the two chosen charities: APS Support UK and MIND through the online Funeral Guide website, or through direct donations.  The Scout Group and family wish to say thank you to all church members who donated.

Janice Barber         Scouter In Charge

What's On
Tue 18th Feb,2:00pm
Open House,
Tue 25th Feb,2:00pm
Open House,
Sun 2nd Mar,10:30am
Morning Worship,
Mr John Dawson
Tue 4th Mar,2:00pm
Open House,
Sun 9th Mar,10:30am
Morning Worship,
Mr Jerry Lee
Tue 11th Mar,2:00pm
Open House,
Sun 16th Mar,10:30am
Morning Worship,
Mr Richard Smith
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